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Superlink is a web3 identity/domain provider. We outfit free branded web3 domains for dapps or wallets to offer all users, as well as in-app premium domains for premium users. Our core belief is that web3 UX is too complicated. Crypto addresses are a problem. And names - universally interoperable aliases, or web3 domains - are the solution. Let’s get you started!

Get Started


Explore the benefits

Discover what free branded subdomains and premium web3 domains can do for your business.


Reach out

If you’re not already in touch with us, schedule a call to learn more and get an API key.


Implement Superlink

Use our SDK or API solutions to easily set up web3 identity for your users.


Free subdomains

Give your users free branded web3 domains

Premium web3 domains

Offer your users premium web3 domains

Universal resolution

Resolve 100+ web3 namespaces

Need Help?

Reach out anytime via or message us directly on Telegram via @mattwinn to reach Matt our CEO or @ryandomains to reach Ryan our Head of Business Development.