Purchase and onboard a new domain as a parent domain. This API automatically sets the domain up as a parent domain.

// See documentation to set up the client first

let apiInstance = new superlink.SubdomainApi();
let parentDomain = "supertest.me";
let request = ApiParentDomainPurchaseRequest.constructFromObject({
  'domainContactDetails': {
      'address1': '15 Church St',
      'address2': 'Door 25, The building',
      'city': 'New York',
      'country': 'US',
      'email': 'nora.miller@gmail.com',
      'nameFirst': 'Nora',
      'nameLast': 'Miller',
      'phoneCountryCode': '+1',
      'phoneNumber': '1234123412',
      'postalCode': '12345',
      'state': 'CA'
}, null);

apiInstance.parentdomainPurchase(parentDomain, request, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {