Free subdomains have become the best-in-class web3 onboarding solution. Coinbase has issued 4 million+ of them via But why? They solve two functions at once.

1️⃣ Free subdomains offer an alternative to long, impossible to memorize crypto addresses. ENS (Ethereum Name Service) subdomains are compatible across all major wallets and replace crypto addresses with human-chosen, human-memorable usernames. For example, is so much easier to transact with than 0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268

2️⃣ Free subdomains allow you to brand the addresses you give every user. If you onboard a user into web3 or you convince an existing web3 user to make your service their primary place to transact, you deserve some word of mouth from that. And ENS subdomains give you the chance to get it. Pick any web2 domain and we’ll help you port it into web3. Then every subdomain is issued from your branded domain - e.g.,

free subdomains header

Choose your player

We have two solutions for free branded subdomains. One for those offering a dapp or wallet direct to consumer. And another for those offering a wallet as a service (WaaS) to dapps and other providers.

Free subdomains for dapps and wallets

View the B2C solution

Free subdomains for wallets as a service (WaaS)

View the B2B solution