Just like free subdomains, premium domains offer user-chosen, human-memorable replacements for confusing, impossible to memorize crypto addresses.

Just like free subdomains, they increase user retention. A wallet that holds a user’s web3 identity typically becomes their primary wallet. And dapps function better with usernames than crypto addresses.

They also provide a variety of benefits beyond free subdomains.

1️⃣ Premium domains have better aesthetics. We offer many top level domains to choose from - including 20+ web2 top level domains which we automatically port to web3 for users.

2️⃣ Premium domains are more personal. They’re unbranded. Choose whatever works for you - benji.me, newyorker.world, curlylocks.eth, or even ben.johnson.

3️⃣ Premium domains are yours. When a user buys a premium domain they receive an NFT in their wallet.

4️⃣ Premium domains can host websites. Each of the 20+ web2 top level domains that we port to web3 can also be used as payment addresses, web3 IDs, and websites.

Our top priority with the domain marketplace is to give the user premium identity options with the most seamless identity onboarding experience.

And there’s one more important benefit.

For you, the dapp or wallet, we offer a revenue share of all domain purchases. Reach out to learn more.

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